FKF - Fast Kalman Filter
This is a fast and flexible implementation of the Kalman filter and smoother, which can deal with NAs. It is entirely written in C and relies fully on linear algebra subroutines contained in BLAS and LAPACK. Due to the speed of the filter, the fitting of high-dimensional linear state space models to large datasets becomes possible. This package also contains a plot function for the visualization of the state vector and graphical diagnostics of the residuals.
Last updated 6 months ago
6.31 score 12 stars 2 dependents 57 scripts 931 downloadsdynatop - An Implementation of Dynamic TOPMODEL Hydrological Model in R
An R implementation and enhancement of the Dynamic TOPMODEL semi-distributed hydrological model originally proposed by Beven and Freer (2001) <doi:10.1002/hyp.252>. The 'dynatop' package implements code for simulating models which can be created using the 'dynatopGIS' package.
Last updated 4 months ago
5.08 score 3 stars 9 scripts 228 downloadsdynatopGIS - Algorithms for Helping Build Dynamic TOPMODEL Implementations from Spatial Data
A set of algorithms based on Quinn et al. (1991) <doi:10.1002/hyp.3360050106> for processing river network and digital elevation data to build implementations of Dynamic TOPMODEL, a semi-distributed hydrological model proposed in Beven and Freer (2001) <doi:10.1002/hyp.252>. The 'dynatop' package implements simulation code for Dynamic TOPMODEL based on the output of 'dynatopGIS'.
Last updated 10 months ago
4.00 score 1 stars 295 downloads